Pea Protein is a beige powder made from isolating protein from yellow peas. Its nutritional content, however, varies depending on different brands. This organic powder contains 80 grams of calories, 15 grams of proteins, 1 gram of carbs, 230mg of sodium, and 5 mg of iron. Pea Protein powder is associated with many health benefits, and here are some of them.
The source of high-quality protein
The protein contains all nine essential amino acids to our bodies; however, they are relatively low in methionine. This can be compensated by taking other foods such as eggs, poultry, and brown rice. Pea Protein is an excellent source of branched chain amino acids such as arginine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Arginine promotes excellent and healthy blood flow in the body and heart health. The other components promote muscle growth and development. Briefly, animal proteins are quickly digested compared to plant proteins. For this reason, pea protein is the best plant protein required in our bodies.
Rich in iron
Per serving, you can be assured of taking 5-7.5 mg of this plant protein, which is about 28-42 %. This makes it essential, especially to women. Women are recommended to take peas in large quantities for they lose a lot of blood during the menstrual periods.
Contain large quantities of magnesium
Magnesium is an essential mineral in our bodies as it is involved in more than 600 chemical reactions such as muscle movements, DNA repair, and protein formation. Available literature demonstrates that it benefits the heart and brain health, reduces blood pressure and insulin resistance.
Cholesterol and saturated fat-free
Saturated fats are jeopardy to the heart since they have the capability to raise cholesterol levels in the blood. Animal products are the source of saturated and cholesterol fats. To reduce the levels of cholesterol, consider taking pea proteins as they are naturally cholesterol and saturated free. Besides, pea proteins are the only alternative to improve your health positively as they are delicious and nutritious.
Combat allergies
This plant protein lacks lactose and soy, thus making it the best option for allergenic people. Note that pea protein only contains only allergenic added ingredients. Therefore, it is good to look for those that lack these allergenic added ingredients.
This plant protein has many health benefits compared to animal proteins. It can help to combat allergies, cholesterol free thus suitable for the heart has high protein quantity and rich in both magnesium and iron. They serve the body with the most essential nutrients for proper growth and development.
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