Art, in all its forms, is a reflection of a given time and society. From paintings to sculptures, there is always a story to be told or a message to convey. However, art deco goes beyond functionality and practicality; it mirrors an era of glamour, luxury, and innovation. The Art Deco movement showcased artistry in everything, including architecture, fashion, and even household items such as clocks. Speaking of which, have you ever seen an art deco clock?

An art deco clock is a timepiece designed in accordance with a style that originated during the 1920s and 1930s. It is an emblematic artifact of that period and still captures attention, even a century later. The art deco clock varies in its construction and design but several features remain consistent across all art deco-inspired timepieces. The clock is often produced from expensive materials like brass, marble, or glass. This luxurious aspect amplifies the beauty of the timepiece, elevating its status as a functional work of art.

Art deco is regarded as a striking and modern style. The geometric patterns, symmetrical shapes, sharp lines, and sweeping curves encompassed by an art deco clock exemplifies these traits. The accurate arrangement and organization of the clock’s components show that art deco reflects a society that values order and stability. The style also draws upon a sleek, futuristic design that weaved into the psyche of the masses.

One of the most famous art deco clock designs is the famous “Tutti Frutti” Cartier desk clock made in the 1920s. The clock was commissioned by the eccentric Indian prince, Maharaja of Patiala, Bhupinder Singh. The desk clock is made of platinum, diamonds, rubies, pearls, emeralds, and sapphires and is considered to be the centerpiece of the Cartier collection. The ground-breaking design captured the spirit of the period, with its colorful, intricate patterns. Due to its staggering valuation, the clock is now part of a private collection, locked away from the world’s admiring eyes.

Art deco reflects the fast-paced, industrialized society of the early 20th century. The clocks produced during the period mirrored this vision; modern, bold, and daring with the choice of color. Bold shades and bright accents such as black, red, green, and gold were consistent themes incorporated in several art-deco clocks making them unmistakable.

The “Ballerina” clock designed by Swiss clockmaker Jaeger-LeCoultre in the 1950s is another striking example of an art deco clock. The clock has a rotating disc with a sensuously-shaped ballerina. The dancer moves gracefully in time with the ticking of the clock, creating an extraordinary illusion of movement paired with the elegant design.

An art deco clock goes beyond being just a functional timepiece; it’s a reflection of glamour, modernity, and artistry. The intricate designs paired with colors and textures create a piece that is not only pleasing to the eyes but also a piece that reflects a significant period in history. Art deco clocks can be symbols of wealth or sometimes even symbols of status, but regardless, they have a way of grounding us to the past and making one appreciate the little things.