Persona Netflix marks the coming of age of South Korean cinema, except of course, you’re watching the series from your tablet or your smart phone. The South Asian country has been making great strides in the development of its movie industry. And of course, it’s the streaming giant’s business to notice.

With Persona Netflix, the talent of four local film directors is brought to bear on the popularity of an Asian teen idol. With this and a wide array of other offerings on streaming media, FANG stocks are alive and well. In fact, it’s more than business as usual as demand outpaces supply in these pandemic or social distancing times.

Exponentially speaking, one of the four Internet giants are making a killing and yet gracious enough to slow down the streaming a bit so as not to short-circuit the worldwide Web. Anyone would be a fool to cancel the subscription since there’s so much to be had for such a low monthly rate. Call it the power of numbers.

With so many subscribers, the price is right. Why watch from your TV set when you’re facing a barrage of commercials that are bent on making you buy something? With a series like Persona Netflix, you’re avoiding getting hypnotized or otherwise subliminally influenced by marketers.

What more, you can rewind or forward what you’re watching. With cable television, you can record your favorite shows. However, that extra step can be inconvenient for many people. Besides, it’s not possible to record just about every TV program.

And of course, Persona Netflix is exclusive to the company that produces it. However, you can forget about recording the show if you want to; it just won’t let you if you try. You can’t even take a screen shot. There are smart safeguards in place to prevent stealing intellectual property, such as downloads on a deadline.

Of course, not everything that you see on the online entertainment portal is gold. Just as you would experience on other media, trash is everywhere. Perhaps one of the greatest heartbreaks is when your favorite series gets cancelled for one reason or another.

It’s just so hard to tell, these days. Sometimes, even the best ones are gone before you know it. Whatever it is, it’s rarely because the show in question has run out of production budget.

You see, the main producer of these shows has deep pockets. And it all boils down to the fact that it’s all a numbers game.