In an endeavor to make work easier, brilliant inventions such as the snow foams are continually being introduced in the market. The biggest issue, however, is that new things are not easy to understand at times. For the snow foam technique, for instance, you may confuse its functions and usability with shampoos and detergents. This creates frustrations as you will not get the same results when you apply the wrong methodology or follow the wrong steps. Snow foam is used as a pre-cleaner agent. Valet Pro snow foam is one of the brands available in the market today. To get the best results while using this foam, here are a few important things that you need to consider:

1. Ratio

In every package of Valet Pro snow foam you buy, you will see the instructions on how to do the mixing with water to get the best results. Be sure to take note of the rations so that you do not over dilute the foam as that would make the foam ineffective.

2. The amount of dirt

Always remember that the snow foam is not a cleaning agent. It is used to soften dirt so that it is easily removed from surfaces. The amount of dirt on your surfaces can influence the results of the foam. If the dirt had been on a surface for long, it might be too hard to remove by using the snow foam. As much as there are strong foams such as the Valet Pro foam, always take note of the concentration of the dirt and apply the right amount of foam or use alternative cleaning methods to remove the excess dirt first.

3. The wash off water pressure

For better results, use high-pressure water as you rinse the foam off. This increases the chances of all the dirt getting washed off at once without having to clean the surface an extra time manually. If after using the high-pressure water you still getting dirt residuals on your surfaces, you can use a foamed sponge to take it off.

4. Consider using warm water

The warm water will help with the foaming, and the softening of the dirt on the surface. Cold or chilled water will not achieve the same result as warm water. Warm water is best to use.

With the above tips, you are now better suited to get great results with your snow foam. If you still experience challenges, be sure check out the snow foam package guide for more instructions or consult your local retail shop or retailer.