Cool sculpting is one of the best ways to reduce fat after receiving weight loss surgery. However, a lot of people wonder what factors play a role in the cost of cool sculpting. Generally speaking, the size of the applicator used for the procedure will be the main factor. Here is a rundown on costs associated with the different sized applicators:
This applicator is designed to treat the flanks and the front of the stomach. It comes in three different sizes and it costs around $800 per application. The applicator can also be used for other areas of the body, including the arms. This applicator is the most commonly one used of all due to its curved design. Including the time it takes to set it up, treatment using CoolAdvantage takes around 45 minutes to complete.
CoolAdvantage Plus
Treatment with CoolAdvantage Plus is about double the price per applicator than CoolAdvantage. You can expect to pay around $1,600 per application. Those who have large rolls and pockets of fat around their stomach will likely need to have CoolAdvantage Plus used on them. This is one of the more expensive forms of CoolSculpting, but it also covers the most areas. If you have a large volume of fat you want to reduce, then this is the treatment to look into. Also, CoolAdvantage Plus takes around an hour to complete, and this includes setup time.
This is one of the more affordable CoolSculpting treatments, as it only costs around $1,000 per application. It is typically used for small areas, such as knee fat, chin and bra fat. Generally speaking, treatment time ranges from 45 minutes to 55 minutes, and that’s per application. This includes both massage and setup time.
This is another option for people, and it also costs around $1,000 per application. The applicator is flat and straight and it used to reduce areas where there is fat, but fat that cannot be pinched. There is a hand-piece that is used for the procedure and virtually anyone can receive the treatment, as long as the fat reductions are small. Some of the most common areas CoolSmooth treats includes flat abdomens and thighs. Unlike the other forms of CoolSculpting, this one will take around 85 minutes per application. This also includes the time it takes to set everything up.
Bear in mind that where you go and who performs the procedure, as well as the region you reside in will factor into the cost of cool sculpting. The good news is that cool sculpting is actually affordable for many people.
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