The healthier the cow, the nutritious its by-products. In other words, its nutrition influences the molecular composition of its milk, beef, and other offerings. To understand why grass-fed is superior compared to grain-fed, you should first get to know whey protein better.
Whey Protein – Brief Introduction
Whey protein is basically a cheese by-product. Quite astonishingly, whey was not considered beneficial till the 1970s.
Whey protein concentrate has varying makeup – the protein range could be anywhere between 30 and 70 percent (the remainder being carbohydrates and fat). Whey protein isolate has no lactose and fat, leaving behind protein constituent as high as 90 percent. Isolate is therefore considered the high-end, premium variant of protein.
Comparing Grain-Fed and Grass Fed Protein
Most cows grow in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). These are basically feedlots that feed cows in large numbers, primarily with corn and/or soy grains. CAFOs are usually not very clean. The cows are typically injected with antibiotics so that they don’t fall sick living in such a poor environment. Moreover, cows are usually pumped with steroids to increase their growth and beef produce.
Grass-fed cows, on the other hand, are raised more traditionally. They are fed naturally-grown grass and graze the fields. Raising a cow this way would obviously be more expensive, as setting up and maintaining fertile lands entails costs compared to what a feedlot requires.
The main nutritional differences are increased levels of vitamins B and E, omega-3 fatty acids, and various minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium), and a higher CLA content.
Grass-fed cows are usually not fed antibiotics, pesticides, or steroids that can pass down debilitating side effects when consumed.
Grass-Fed Protein Benefits
The added nutritional advantages are passed down via fat. The higher the fat content in the protein, the more likely it is from grass-fed cows. All protein, both concentrate and isolate, have residual fat, with ‘concentrate’ offering a lot more.
Grass-fed protein, no doubt, is superior nutritionally to grain-fed protein. Grass-fed protein’s benefits lie in immune support nutrients and improved amino acid, along with health CLA fats and omega. The following are grass-fed proteins main benefits:
• It optimizes recovery post a workout, provided you consume it when it matters the most. It’s not just about what you eat but also the time you eat.
• Grass-fed whey protein could help with weight loss when it’s consumed after exercise in the right proportions.
• It offers a nutrition boost, as mentioned before.
• Grass-fed protein has protein in its fullest as it contains all the essential amino acids.
• It boosts your immune system too.
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