Whether you are looking for an ideal way to prevent yourself from contracting STDs or birth control, natural condoms are worth trying. Most people are now switching to natural condoms because they have realized that numerous benefits are associated with natural condoms. First, they are natural, and this means they are not likely to cause the negative reaction that many people have to put up with when using other condoms. Also, natural condoms come with different flavors allowing you to choose the flavor that you think will serve you right.
However, there are a lot of essential factors that you should consider when you go out to shop for natural condoms. Not paying attention to these factors may make you make decisions that you will not be happy about in the long run.
One of the chemicals that you need to look out for when shopping for natural condoms is nitrosamine. This is a type of chemical found in cured meats, rubber products, and salted fish. Although research is still ongoing on the effects of this chemical on the human body, preliminary research has shown that it can instigate tumor growth. In the year 2010, the WHO recommended condom manufacturers to avoid including this chemical in their manufacturing process. Therefore, when you shop for condoms, it is important to make sure that this chemical is not in the product you are buying.
Another chemical to watch out is the glycerin. Since glycerin is a water-based lubricant, it is not harmful to the human body. However, if left in the vagina for a long time, there are high chances that it can cause harm. This is because it turns to sugar, and this results in yeast infection. So if you buy a condom that has glycerin as one of the ingredients, then it will be good if you take a shower immediately you are done with the occasion.
Originality and Expiry Date
It is not uncommon to find people selling counterfeit or expired condoms because they want to make money. If you are going to make a mistake of buying such condoms, you can be sure that you may not achieve the objectives that you wanted. Therefore, when shopping for natural condoms, it is important to make sure that you check the expiry date. Additionally, you should ensure that you buy from a reputable shop to avoid a situation where you are buying counterfeit products.
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