JavaScript is a scripting language that is used primarily for dynamic HTML in web browsers and Blogger Web Design. As the ECMAScript (ECMA 262) standard core, JavaScript language describes a dynamically typed, classless object-oriented scripting language.

Its object-oriented programming paradigms are among other things based on prototypes. In JavaScript, they can be object-oriented and procedural programming as well as functional. JS allows the evaluation of user interaction and reloading or generating content, thus expanding the possibilities of HTML or CSS.


The JavaScript syntax is similar to that of the C derivatives, including Java. Despite the name and syntactic similarity JavaScript has little in common with Java, such as object orientation in JavaScript is different from Java does not work by classes but by prototypes.

JavaScript is primarily used on the client side. This is in contrast to other languages used on the Web, such as Perl or PHP, which are exclusively used on the server side. JavaScript or ECMAScript implementations, is however, found for example in Netscape Enterprise Server (NES), and as JScript or JScript.NET in an ASP or ASP.NET environment to Microsoft Internet Information Services on the server side application.

Other examples of server-side JavaScript programming are POW and Jaxer that are based on the Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine, and V8CGI, which is based on the V8 JavaScript implementation and integrated into the Apache HTTP Server, and Node.js, which also based on V8 and programming console applications, and its own HTTP server allows.

Meanwhile, the language has also opened up new areas of application. For example, it is often used as a scripting language for games and applications. It also works as the core language that contains only a few objects and thus required for the execution of scripts formulated in JavaScript interpreter can be kept relatively small.


Typical applications of JavaScript include:

Blogger Web Design
– Dynamic manipulation of web pages on the Document Object Model
– Plausibility test (data validation) form input before sending to the server
– Display of dialog boxes
– Sending and receiving data without the browser to reload the page (Ajax)
– Immediate suggesting search terms (Suggesting search)
– Banner or scrolling text
– Obfuscation of email addresses to combat spam.
– Change multiple frames or frameset page

JavaScript libraries

The creation of cross-browser web applications using JavaScript libraries is handled using tool kits. This is a collection of JavaScript functions that will support the programmer in his work. Tool kits provide not only frequently used standard functions, but pass through a particular level of abstraction fundamentally different programming, also called frameworks.