Everybody has things that they cannot go without. These depend on the person and their lifestyle. However, certain items tend to be universal especially in survival situations. These are called best EDC products or everyday carry items. Have you thought about the things that you always have in your bag? Below are some of the best EDC products to lug around wherever you go because of their unquestionable usefulness:
Keychain Flashlights
Visibility can be a problem at nighttime. When you are outside, you can’t always rely on street lamps and other external light sources. What if your car was parked far from one? What if you dropped your keys on the ground? It helps to bring you own light source in the form of keychain lights. This ensures that you will always have one whenever you need to find things in the dark. You will be thankful to have one when the lights go out during a storm or similar situations.
Pocket Knives
Small knives can be handy in a wide range of situations inside and outside the house. They can quickly cut or slice through materials that we might not be able to break on our own. They can be a good substitute for scissors in a pinch. They can be used for self-defense if pushed into a corner. They can be useful in emergencies, such as for helping people get unstuck from their seatbelts, removing a bee stinger, and so on. They can be used in preparing food such as chopping veggies or cleaning fish. Most preferred something that folds or has other safety mechanisms.
Pens and Notebooks
Pens are useful for jotting down ideas that you might suddenly get while out and about. Write them down before you forget. You can also leave notes for people or provide people with your number for future communications. You can write down notable things that happened within the day or draw sketches when the mood strikes. Make sure to carry a notebook with you as well. Get a pen that is trusted and reliable. Something that accepts refills would be nice. It should hold the ink and not splatter all over your pocket.
Face Mask
These days, everyone should have this in their bag to make sure that they have one when going out. It helps people protect others given the nature of the infectious disease that is causing the current pandemic. Too many people are asymptomatic so err on the side of caution.
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