Choosing a reliable Australian web and email hosting service is the first important step to take when creating your website. Choosing a free hosting is never a good idea for a commercial site.

Before making the final decision, define your needs both at the technical and service level you want. Which services are essential? What is the space required for the site?

With shared hosting, your site will be hosted with other sites on one of your host’s servers. It is suitable for most sites because the variety of services provided and hosting costs allow you to choose according to your needs and to scale your site reasonably. This solution has only one advantage: its low price.

Dedicated hosting services are expensive and are only suitable for experienced webmasters. If you have the soul of a geek, you can use a computer at home to host your site. But, it is still better to call on specialists (hosts, data centers).

Most hosts provide enough storage space for your files. A page with one or two small photos weighs an average of 0.1 MB. A site of 1000 pages therefore represents: 100 MB. Choose at least a 100 MB space to be comfortable. If you have more important content, animations with many pictures, go for for bigger space.

The web disk space is typically independent of the disk space occupied by the email accounts.

Traffic or bandwidth is the amount of information exchanged between visitors and the server. In other words, the monthly traffic is the sum of files (pages, images) downloaded by your visitors in one month.

It is beneficial to have an email account with the host because it allows you to have an email address of the form

A limited number of hosting domains means that you will be able to manage a limited number of domain names. If for example, you want to host 10 sites with 10 domain names, you may be limited to less domains.

A database (mysql) is required if you want to create a dynamic website, manipulate data that can be classified into forms, such as a list of addresses or a catalog of products. An FTP account, on the other hand, gives access to your web space 24/7 via a software called FTP client, such as Fillezilla and CuteFTP.

Each FTP account corresponds to an identifier (login) and a password. If you want to give your employees access to part or all of your web space, additional FTP accounts are needed.

Before choosing a particular hosting provider, make sure that you can migrate to other offers later. For example, you with a website with little traffic, but overnight the number of visitors increases dramatically. In this case, it will be necessary to adapt your hosting.