Artichokes are packed with powerful antioxidants and may be beneficial for the liver. Artichokes may even help regenerate liver cells. A recent study found that artichoke extract supplementation increased antioxidant activity in the liver, particularly superoxide dismutase and catalase. Moreover, artichoke nutrition increases bile secretion, which is necessary for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Artichoke Liver Health – Artichokes promote bile secretion
Artichokes contain the chemical compound cynarine, which has been shown to promote liver function. Bile is a key function of the liver, as it transports toxins and waste materials out of the body. Eating artichokes can improve liver function by increasing bile synthesis. However, these benefits aren’t limited to liver function. Artichokes can also promote liver health in alcoholics.
They have anti-inflammatory properties
The study in question examined the effects of artichokes on human liver inflammation and fat deposits. This beneficial effect was partly due to the antioxidants found in artichokes. More research needs to be done, however. However, there is already evidence that artichokes benefit human liver health. In addition to their digestive health benefits.
They protect against oxidative stress
Research has shown that artichokes are beneficial for Artichoke Liver Health. They contain silymarin, a compound that inhibits oxidative stress. The substance also improves liver cell regeneration. A 1966 study found that artichoke pretreatment significantly reduced MDA activity, increased GSH and SOD activity, and protected against acute alcohol-induced liver injury. This effect may be similar in humans.
They inhibit fungal activity
Artichokes contain phytonutrients, prebiotics, antioxidants, and caffeic acids, which are among the healthiest vegetables. Artichoke extract is known to help protect the liver and may prevent heart disease and digestive disorders. The leaf of the artichoke contains a variety of polyphenols, including chlorogenic acid, luteolin, and zeaxanthin. The plant also contains a slew of other compounds that can help heart health and prevent cancer. Artichoke extract is becoming an increasingly popular dietary supplement due to its high concentration of plant ingredients.
They reduce unhealthy cholesterol levels
In the 1960s, the active ingredient of artichokes was identified and marketed as a liver-protective agent. The molecule was isolated within a short period. Italian researchers mapped out the chemical structure of artichoke extracts, and they were used as liver protectants, cholesterol-lowering medications, and gallbladder treatments.
They contain inulin
Artichokes are rich in inulin, a prebiotic that supports digestive health and helps to regulate blood sugar and insulin levels. Artichokes also contain fiber, which helps to strengthen the gut and help keep you feeling full for longer.
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