Boysenberries are a cross between blackberries and raspberries, so as you can expect, they have a delicious sweet and tangy flavour. When dried, all of that flavor is condensed, as are the numerous nutrients in the fruit. In fact, dried boysenberries are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help to fight off disease and improve overall health. These are just a few amazing health benefits of eating dried boysenberries.

Good for Your Bones

Boysenberries are packed with vitamin K, which helps to bind calcium in your bones and maintain healthy bone density. This could help to prevent osteoporosis and bone injuries. Studies show that people who get adequate amounts of vitamin K in their diets have less risk of getting fractures than those with vitamin K deficiencies.

Boosts Your Immune System

Vitamin C is also found in boysenberries, and it is well known that vitamin C has many benefits for the immune system. Vitamin C helps to fight off infections and protects the cells against free radicals, which can cause damage to the body and accelerate aging. Vitamin C can also stave off inflammation and potentially protect against cancer and heart disease.

Promotes a Healthy Brain

Boysenberries are high in antioxidants called anthocyanins. These help to protect brain cells against inflammation and the harmful effects of oxidation. Research shows that anthocyanins can also improve memory and cognition and may prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Improves Digestion

Fiber is key to maintaining a healthy gastrointestinal tract, and boysenberries are incredibly high in fiber. If you are suffering from constipation or diarrhea, a handful or two of dried boysenberries may sort you right out. Dietary fiber helps to clean out the intestines and improves GI tract function, which can also promote healthy gut flora.

Helps Prevent Heart Disease

There are many ways that boysenberries help to protect against cardiovascular disease. They contain high levels of potassium, which helps improve circulation and lower blood pressure. Vitamin K can reduce cholesterol and prevent the clogging of arteries. Vitamin C boosts the immune system and lowers inflammation, which is important for a healthy heart.

If you’re looking for a tasty snack that can do wonders for your body, look no further than dried boysenberries. These tangy fruits contain a myriad of nutrients that can boost your overall health and help stave off disease. Sprinkle them on your cereal, bake them in cookies, or simply eat them on their own for an instant health boost.