Are you having trouble deciding how to style your living room? There really is no right or wrong when it comes to design but there are proven strategies to make spaces look good. For example, most living rooms have a large wall behind the television or the sofa. This holds a lot of potential if you know how to optimize it. You could put a bookshelf, several art prints, or other forms of décor on this wall. However, these will require quite a bit of money and effort. Consider using oversized wall art instead if you want the following benefits:
Simplest Way to Decorate a Room
Not everyone like a busy colorful space. Some people like to keep it simple while providing a few hints of drama and artistry. If you are firmly in this camp, then oversized frames are for you. There is no need to make fussy preparations. Just keep the walls bare with white paint or whichever hue you prefer. Then place the artwork in the middle and you’re done. It is big enough to cover a wide portion of the walls and make the look complete. Of course, you can add more if you really want to but this can suffice if you are aiming for a minimalist aesthetic.
Impressive Conversation Starter
The artwork’s size makes it impossible to miss, especially if it the only colorful item in the space. It will surely make your guests look up and share their thoughts. It is a good conversation starter that can break the ice when you are welcoming people to your house. It can lead to all sorts of paths depending on what these remind them of and how you direct the conversation. It will eliminate the awkward moments that usually follow someone’s arrival. Make the art something that says a lot about you so that you can have a great time answering any questions that might come up.
Easy to Change for a New Look
Oversized wall art is easy to change. You only have that one piece anyway so removing it and using another one should be simple enough. You can use a different print whenever you feel like it and this will immediate change the feel of the room. For example, you might have a new print every season to fit the mood. This should provide you with a new topic of conversation when guests show up. You can even have several in storage so you can switch to a more colorful work when you are having a party or celebrating a certain occasion.
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