Apricots are delicious, however, in recent years, instead of the fruit, apricot kernels have turned out to be astonishingly popular. The seeds are almond-shaped and are reputed to be effective in controlling or even treating cancer. However, there is no scientific evidence to back this up.

So what is making apricot kernels so popular at present?

As we all know, cancer is a great equalizer. It can affect anyone at any age. Perfectly healthy individuals have developed cancer and the death rate is consistent around the world. The only treatments available for cancer are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Even with the latest treatments, the survival rate of treated patients is still variable. For patients, this fact can be very difficult to deal with. As they realize that allopathic treatment is limited, most patients are willing to try a range of naturopathic or alternative treatments which are purported to work in controlling or treating cancer. And apricot kernels have developed this reputation in short order.

What do they contain?

Apricot kernels contans amygdalin which is converted by gut enzymes into cyanide. However, cyanide is a toxic chemical and it can cause sickness and death if consumed in large amounts. To be entirely truthful, even peaches, apples and lima beans contain cyanide in limited amounts. In the 1940s, researchers patented a man-made version of amygdalin which was branded as laetrile. It was also sold to consumers until the FDA banned retail sale. There is no scientific data that proves the medical benefits of the kernels. However, symptoms of overdose of poisoning are common. For example, users have reported dizziness, headache, nausea, increased heart rate and breathing, low blood pressure, and breathing issues. Doctors have also reported seizures that could have resulted in death.

Where can I buy apricot kernels? The internet is the best place to find anything and buy apricot kernels are no different. We recommend you buy from a reputable dealer and buy a small amount. Organic kernels are the best as they are chemical and pesticide free. However, we still caution on consumption of the kernels. We also do not recommend consuming more than 1 -2 kernels per day to prevent side-effects. Every human body is unique and the chances of developing an allergic reaction or a toxic reaction to the kernels are high. Always check with your physician before starting any herbal product and be particularly careful if you have ongoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy.