Crossfit plyo boxes look like they are the most simple items in the gym but they are actually one of the most useful. Indeed, the design allows these humble tools to do so much for the users. Athletes in several sports tend to use them at least once a week with some using them every single day. Examples include sprinters, boxers, basketball players, and volleyball players. Any sport that requires explosive movements and high jumps will benefit from these boxes. Of course, a little bit of creativity can make them suitable for other types of workouts. Get your own crossfit plyo boxes if you would like the following benefits:
Leg Strengthening
These boxes are mostly used to strengthen the legs in a specific way: box jumps. You start on the ground with legs apart and jump to the top of the platform. You can increase the height as you get stronger. This can be accomplished by using a totally different box or by stacking them if they can clip together. This should be performed slowly and deliberately to avoid injuries. Users should refrain from increasing the height too fast as the body will require some time to adapt to the new stimuli. You are basically doing explosive weights with your own body weight providing the resistance.
Calorie Burn
Plyometric exercises are intense. You will need to perform warmups before starting because they will quickly elevate your heart rate and cause you to breathe heavily. They will also trigger muscle tears if you are not careful. Go through a thorough warmup and dynamic stretching routine to get your body ready. Then perform your jumps and other exercises. Most people do this as part of a circuit. Make sure that you have water on standby because you are going to be thirsty afterwards. You will also benefit from a high rate of calorie burn from this kind of workout. If you are trying to lose weight, then ask your trainer about incorporating this to your routine.
Routine Expansion
Indeed, you might want to explore all of the ways in which you can utilize the plyo boxes besides box jumps. This is a great exercise by itself but it concentrates too much on the legs. How about the upper body? Well, you can use the boxes as well for inclined pushups, bridges, helicopter planks, and other interesting moves. For the inclined pushups, your arms should be on the box if you are a beginner and on the floor if you have some experience.
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