If you are looking for a new marketing strategy, card inserts may be the answer. Card inserts allow customers to have a card inserted into their purchase that they can use as a promotional card or coupon. This is a great way to promote your business or sell more products! Here’s why card inserts work:

They’re easy and inexpensive.

Card inserts are a great way to promote your business and sell more products because card inserts can be inserted into any purchase. This means you don’t have to make a special package or spend extra on packing materials for individual product promotion. These inserts are inexpensive; they cost less than traditional mailouts!

They’re easy

The biggest benefit of card inserts is that this marketing strategy makes it incredibly easy for customers to see your message and engage with your brand by using their card insert as a coupon or promotional card (or both). All the customer has to do is take out their card from within the packaging and use it at checkout. Card inserts work great in tandem with other forms of marketing like social media campaigns, email blasts, or even print ads.

Improved sales

They’re incomparable in terms of cost per impression. This means that card inserts are incredibly cost-effective. For lesser investments, card insert campaigns have the potential to yield better results than traditional mailouts. This is because card inserts allow you to get more eyes on your marketing efforts without having to spend a small fortune in doing so!

Both card and package can be customized.

What’s even great about card inserts is that they’re also versatile enough for both businesses, big or small. There are no limits when it comes to designing these cards; whether you want them to look like gift certificates, loyalty points, or promotional coupons, there’s always room for creativity here (and real estate). You may choose from different paper stocks, too, depending on how your customers plan on using their card inserts.

They increase loyalty and retention.

And card inserts can also help retain customers. It’s a great marketing strategy for small businesses, and it has the potential to do wonders when done right. There are many ways that card inserts can be used to improve your business, such as: taking orders or reservations by phone or email, redeeming points in rewards programs (loyalty), and offering discounts on future purchases with card insert redemption codes.

To conclude, card inserts are a great marketing strategy that can be utilized by small businesses to improve consumer retention.