Are you fond of the outdoors? Do you like to spend much of your time out in the wild? Then learn more about how to protect it and how to harness what you can find in nature to thrive out there. Most of the people who lived in the cities and the suburbs are not aware of even the basics for survival. They long to be closer to nature but they lack the skills and the knowhow to do this at a high level. This won’t be too much of a problem for occasional campers but those who plan on spending more days in the wilderness will need to learn more. Fortunately, outdoor experts discuss the following on their podcasts:
Environmental Conservation
There will not be any wilderness of speak off in the years to come if we do not take environmental conservation seriously. This broad topic includes the protection of endangered species of flora and fauna. Everyone should do their part in preserving the delicate ecological balance by taking only what is sustainable and leaving the rest behind. This means saying no to the exotic pet trade and the massive deforestation in mountainous regions. It also means developing eco-friendly habits such as using reusable items instead of disposable plastic bags, plates, cups, and utensils.
Foraging, Hunting and Fishing
Outdoor experts will also discuss foraging in the wild so you can identify edibles as you explore different areas on your hikes. You might even be able to use your knowledge to find food in cities which often have interesting public parks. If you find yourself running out of food when camping, then knowing how to hunt or at least trap animals can be life-saving. Find out which animals are good for eating and which ones are not. Get tips straight from experienced outdoorsmen. You can also learn how to fish and take advantage of the water’s bounty in a sustainable way.
Wild Game Cooking
Getting wild game is one thing. Cooking it is another. How do you make the meat tender and moist? What are the things that you should bring to cook them thoroughly? Are there any simple meals that you could whip up without fancy cooking sets? How do you start a fire in harsh conditions if you have no matches or lighters? You can get valuable information that can turn desperate situations into sumptuous celebrations.
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