When you’re looking for car security bollards, there are several factors you’ll want to consider. For starters, you’ll want to ensure that it’s made from strong, resilient materials. Some materials you’ll find include stainless steel, polyurethane, and stone piers. But you’ll also want to consider whether it’s retractable, fixed, or crash-rated.


Retractable car security bollards are a great way to protect your property and vehicles. You can choose from various models and styles, including retractable, static, and non-crash-resistant models. Whether you need a temporary barrier for a concert or seasonal road closings, these security bollards can meet your needs.
Security bollards protect vehicles and pedestrians. They are designed to deter thieves and ram raids and provide perimeter protection.


A fixed car security bollard is a post embedded in the ground. The goal of these bollards is to prevent cars from entering public areas. They are used in many places, such as airports, military bases, embassies, and parking facilities.

In addition to their primary function of blocking vehicle access, these barriers can provide other benefits. For example, they can designate parking spots and direct traffic.

Fixed security bollards are often made of concrete or steel. They may be made in various colors and finishes to match the surrounding area.


A crash-rated car security bollard protects buildings and property from damage, pedestrians, and guests inside a building. They are a necessary component of a safety plan and should be installed according to the site’s needs and environmental threats.


Polyurethane car security bollards are lightweight and flexible. They are not only extremely durable, but they are also UV resistant. With a wide range of colors and designs to choose from, they can be perfect for your application.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel car security bollards provide a visual barrier that prevents vehicles from entering pedestrian areas. They are great for both residential and business properties.

In addition to protecting pedestrians, these bollards also offer aesthetic appeal. For instance, they can be powder coated in several colors and mimic concrete caps. This provides an ideal look for many architectural styles.

Stainless steel car security bollards are easy to install and have the benefit of being corrosion-resistant. The material is easy to maintain. It also has a low cost of ownership.

Stainless steel is recyclable, which makes it an eco-friendly choice. Additionally, it is durable, allowing many years of use.
Stone piers