The cycle repeats every time. We buy a phone, we focus all our attention on it, we gradually lose interest, and we get another one. iPhone buyback program, for example, typically have a long line of people waiting outside the stores when they are launched. Everyone is abuzz about the new model for the rest of the year until the teasers for the next one comes along. Then the interest shifts and the old ones are discarded. You probably have several iPhones in your collection if you love the brand. What do you do with these units once you have bought a new phone and no longer need them?

Sell It for Cash

If you are practical with financially savvy, then you are probably thinking of selling these old units. You can get cash from the manufacturer or from any store that has an iPhone buyback program. Just remember to hurry because the value of these electronic devices goes down with time. They might be worth hundreds of dollars today but they could be worthless next year. Or, at least, they will no longer be eligible for buybacks. You could still try you like in the open market online.

Give It Away

If you don’t really need the money, then you might consider simply giving them away to those who need them more than you. Perhaps you have a younger sibling who doesn’t have an iPhone or a friend who has just lost his phone. They would be happy to get this one free even if it’s a bit old. You might also look for charities that collect old phones for distribution to the less fortunate. It could help kids connect to the Internet and study from home. It could allow NGO workers to do their jobs more efficiently.

Create a Digital Frame

Have you seen those digital photo frames that serve to display images as slideshows? They can cost quite a bit of money for something that only does one thing. Create one free using your old phone. You don’t even have to do any special setup. Just pick the pictures you want to show and run them through your preferred slideshow app. Put this by your bedside or your mantel. If you want, you can also turn the phone into a digital alarm clock, a baby monitor, or even a security camera.

There are endless uses for old phones so don’t throw them away just yet.