Modern society is addicted to phones. Millions of people spend hours each day tinkering with their gadgets for messaging, entertainment, gaming, surfing, and productivity. Since we hold these devices so much, their surfaces are likely to be filled with dangerous pathogens that we can’t see. It’s only natural for many to wonder how to clean them during a raging pandemic. The good news is that you have multiple options including the ones listed below:

Alcohol Wipe

One of the best tools that you can use are wet wipes. Choose products that contain at least 70% alcohol in order to be effective against most types of germs. Many of the tech giants endorse these when customers pose the question so you can be confident in using them. Alcohol can kill viruses and bacteria on contact so go ahead and use it liberally. Since alcohol quickly evaporates into the air, the likelihood of getting inside the device and causing damage is quite small. The wipes are also lightly damp instead of soaking wet so there should be no fear about excess liquids. What’s more, a lot of people already have alcohol wipes in the house since they use these as daily hygiene solutions.

Soap and Water

In case you don’t have alcohol wipes, you can just rely on a mild soap mixed with water. Dip a clean cloth in the solution, squeeze the excess water, and wipe the phone surfaces. This should be good enough to kill most germs. It will be hard to do this on-the-go but people who generally spend their days at home will find the method quite practical. The wet surfaces should air dry within minutes. Be careful when wiping around the ports and cracks. Not all phones are water-resistant. If even a drop gets inside, then turn the phone off and place it inside a rice container to coax out the moisture. Don’t use strong cleaners such as bleach.

Cell Phone Sanitiser

Cell phone sanitiser, consider buying a cell phone sanitiser that uses UV light to kill germs. Just place the device inside, close the lid, and turn the sanitiser on. Don’t peek inside as UV rays are harmful to eyesight. Let it alone for the length of time prescribed in the manual and attend to your other activities. You can also clean the phone case while you wait since this also has its share of germs lurking on the surface. Since cases are usually made from plastic, you can wash them with soap and rinse under running water.