Ice breakers like conversation cards for couples are the ideal way to generate new topics for discussion. Whether it be a first date or the ten year of marriage, these conversation cards can stimulate back and forth interactions between couples. They can also reinforce your understanding of how Christian values support a relationship depending on the conversation cards you buy.

Conversation cards can be on light topics like naming your partner’s favorite ice cream or if a movie were made about your life, what actors would play you and your partner. The cards could be from a deck that asks far deeper questions: If you had to act your age, what behavior do you change? or what traditional fender roles do you agree or disagree with?

There’re endless hours of conversation stimulating questions available to choose from. If you prefer, pick a general topic to focus on such as the following:

1.What are some of your most sacred family values?
2.Where is the most sensitive spot on your neck?
3.Who with and where is you fantasy date?
4.What food best describes your personality.
5.What living creature or thing scares you the most?
6.How will the world be different in 20 years?

These conversation cards can turn a dry evening into a sparkling sensation, bubbling with superfluous side talk stimulated by the questions and answers. Conversation will be flowing; smiles will be infectious, and fun will be had by all.

These are just the remnants of what happens during the evening. The game can have stakes like the one with the most unanswered questions buys dinner. Or the person who comes up with the most unbelievable answers wins a personal-sized pineapple upside down cake.

The game can have a multitude of decks to change the mood of the evening. Start out with simple questions that are easy to answer and get tougher and tougher questions as the evening progresses.

The questions come on pre-printed boxed card sets, and conversation cards for couples can be downloaded from online PDF programs for a small fee. Buy 88 or 100 pre-printed boxed cards to as many as 200 cards in a set or buy double sets with varying topic categories included in the purchase. The cost ranges from $18.95 to $37.90. If you must download and print the questions, you can use card stock. You may save money with the PDF versions. The price ranges from $4 to $16.14.