Osteoarthritis attacks can be chronic and increased by cold but improved by heat. Finally, supplementation with trace elements and minerals can help fight cartilage wear. Among these trace elements and minerals, mention may be made of: selenium, manganese (in particular associated with cobalt), vitamin C, type E, preferably associated with vitamin D.
Do not let joint pain spoil your life, consult your doctor who alone can establish the diagnosis and specify the origin of pain in order to quickly find comfort and normal daily activity and Acupuncture in Calgary.
Sore joints, knee, wrist, cervical, it happens often and whatever the age. But before considering treatment, it is necessary to “analyze” this pain and to know what it looks like? The joints are the points of union between the different bones of the body and they are especially very complex structures which are composed of various elements like connective tissue (for the support), cartilage, membranes, ligaments, liquid (synovial fluid) etc.
It is the doctor who, in asking all these questions, will be able to determine the cause of joint pains. However, articular pains can be classified into 2 groups: Arthritis that originates from inflammation or infection with acute (highly inflammatory) and chronic forms (chronic inflammatory rheumatism). Arthritis that is due to cartilage wear and that causes persistent pain in the joints. Osteoarthritis evolves slowly over the years and can affect all types of joints with a preference for cervical, knee, hip.
Joint pain: what are the causes?
Joint pain (sometimes called polyarthralgia) can have multiple causes. As a rule, they justify a medical consultation as soon as swelling or redness appear or when they are intense or recurrent. Attention joint pain accompanied by fever justify an emergency medical consultation and Acupuncture in Calgary.
Traumatic causes: a fall, an accident, a blow or even a violent stretch can affect the joints and the many components that make it up. Inflammatory causes: in this case, one or more areas of the joint may be the site of inflammation. When it’s the tendons, we talk about tendonitis or if it’s about the whole joint, we talk about arthritis and if it’s about a chronic inflammation, we can talk about pathologies like arthritis rheumatoid or other chronic joint rheumatism.
Mechanical causes due to the wear of certain tissues such as cartilage in case of osteoarthritis. Crystal deposits: this is the case, for example, of a pathology: Gout, in which the pain is linked to the deposits of sodium urate (uric acid) crystals in the joints. Infectious causes: much rarer but some viruses such as the flu virus can cause symptoms of joint pain.
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