The ancient Chinese medical practice of acupuncture has become popular all across the world. Acupuncturists use fine metal needles to stimulate certain points on the human body. Sometimes they use additional electrical stimulation during this process. Now, these practitioners have started using lasers as well to stimulate the body points. Acupuncture Balmoral services are available to treat a variety of health conditions. While modern medical science is unable to explain its theory, many people suffering from common ailments have reported health benefits after undergoing acupuncture treatments.

Visit Only a Trusted Acupuncture Balmoral Clinic

Acupuncture has been found effective in the treatments of different types of muscle and bone problems. It is effective in preventing migraines and treating knee osteoarthritis. You will undergo this treatment at a registered and licensed clinic where the acupuncturist is registered and licensed to practice this line of medical treatments. The clinic uses disposable and sterile needles. It reduces the likelihood of any infection caused by the transmission of blood diseases.

The Treatment Process

Acupuncture treatments start with an evaluation of the patient’s medical problems. A physical examination is conducted to diagnose the cause of the medical problem. The diagnosis is used to determine what type of acupuncture treatment is best to solve the physical and medical problems of the patient. The acupuncturist uses needles or lasers to stimulate certain points on the skin of the body. The needles used for this purpose are not the same ones used to draw the blood. It is a much finer needle, making this process painless for the patient. The needles are left in place for a few minutes while the patient lies still on the bed. The acupuncturist may use up to 20 needles depending on the health problem and diagnosis report. The acupuncturist may decide to turn or wobble the needles during the treatment process. All needles are removed when the treatment session ends.

Things to Know before Undergoing Acupuncture Balmoral Treatments
It is always advisable to consult a doctor before undergoing this treatment. Patients having problems like bleeding, reduced immunity, cancer, and metal allergy are advised not to undergo this treatment without consulting their doctor. Individuals with pacemakers or defibrillators should not undergo any electrical stimulation. Patients already having a blood-borne disease like HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis C should discuss the blood-borne disease transmission risks with their acupuncturist during the initial discussion.

It is important to remember that acupuncture cannot be a replacement for the main diagnosis and medical treatment by a doctor. Call the acupuncture Balmoral clinic to book an appointment.