Both paper and cloth face masks are popular today. The purpose of Disposable Face Masks Canada is to help you cover your face. Many times you’ll see them being used along with a face shield to cover your eyes. This is a highly effective way of warding off germs today. However, there are many different types of disposable masks available for you to choose from – each with its own benefits. Therefore you need to have some understanding of these things in order to choose the one that’s best suited to meet your needs.

N95 Disposable Face Masks

These are the most effective face masks you can buy thus they’re the most highly sought-after ones on the market today. According to OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration), these masks can protect you from the virus that’s know to cause COVID-19.

Disposable Face Masks are Disposable

While this may be obvious it’s also important to mention because if you come into contaminated particles or droplets you’ll want to throw your mask away. It’s already done its job of protecting you against these things. Now you don’t want to transfer these germs to other surfaces and become infected with them yourself.

Disposable Face Masks are NIOSH Approved

Being NIOSH (the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) approved means that your mask has been rigorously tested. Having passed these tests your mask is now known to at least meet, if not exceed, the standards that have been set for blocking particles while offering adequate filtration. In other words, you know they’re safe.

Disposable Face Masks Don’t Need to be Washed

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who either don’t realize or don’t remember that they need to wash their masks in order to keep them clean. Ideally, you should be washing your cloth mask every day in hot, soapy water then allowing it to completely dry before wearing it again. It’s actually a whole lot easier just to keep a disposable mask on hand (e.g. in your car, purse, desk).

The Bottom Line

Deciding what type of Disposable Face Masks Canada is right for you is somewhat of a personal decision. These masks definitely have a lot of advantages over using reusable face masks however you should know that both are effective when used properly. Regardless of what you decide, you’re sure to be able to find something that works for you and your family today.