Taking agile scrum classes can be a great way to learn more about how to run a successful project. There are several different formats for these courses, such as instructor-led, hybrid, and online. Choosing the right one will depend on your situation and needs. To learn more about the different types of classes, read on!

Principles of agile scrum classes

Agile Scrum is a framework for managing projects and teams that emphasizes learning from experiences and self-organization. This framework aims to improve team performance and save time and money by breaking large projects into small, manageable tasks. Its practices are based on self-organization, collaboration, and value-based prioritization. As a result, teams that follow the principles of Scrum have high-quality, consistent results.

In agile projects, the teams strive to deliver working software frequently. Each team member must be engaged in the development of each working piece. This is a far cry from the traditional approach, where the result is a large deliverable. Agile teams are tasked to make small pieces of software that are usable and, ultimately, make the project better.

Hybrid format

While many organizations embrace hybrid IT, some are hesitant to break from traditional development processes. They may be uncomfortable with frequent deliveries, short feedback loops, and self-organizing teams and insist on imposing rigid deadlines. In this case, a hybrid format is the best option.

Agile is a process that focuses on incremental delivery of functionality. It can be flexible and can be tailored to any organization. The basic principles of Agile are clear communication, transparency, and dedication to continuous improvement.

Coursera subscription

A Coursera subscription for Agile scrum classes can be an excellent investment if you’re looking for a solid foundation in agile project management. This online educational platform offers access to more than 7,000 courses on the topic. You can learn everything from basic agile principles to the nuances of the Scrum process. In addition, a Coursera subscription includes guided projects and professional certification.

The courses offered through Coursera are designed to be highly practical. The curriculum is a logical progression of concepts; you can easily complete the entire course in a couple of months. To take advantage of this online learning platform, you can choose a subscription that combines many online courses for a low monthly rate.


The Drexel Agile Scrum training program offers students the skills necessary for agile project management. The classes use an immersive learning style, which allows participants to practice the methods in real-time. In a realistic environment, participants create product backlogs, user stories, and scrum boards. They also participate in daily meetings and demos. In addition, students learn how to handle high-level requirements and changes and apply the concepts of epic decomposition and story point estimation.