Parasites can come from just anywhere: foods, drinking water, or the air. A parasitic cleanse can help eliminate these harmful worms and enhance your health and vitality meanwhile. Be it a dietary or supplement regimen; the goal is to avoid prescription medicine. Gentle herbs and a good anti-parasite diet are the best way to go. Some herbal detox supplements react harshly with medications. So if you’re taking any drug, talk to your doctor before beginning a supplemental detox program. Herbal supplements work as detoxifiers, purging these parasites from your body. Examples of the best parasite cleanse remedies you can try at home are:

Clove Oil

Cloves have antiseptic and anti-parasitic properties said to destroy intestinal worms and their eggs. Clove oil can also be effective against hatched parasites. Two to three cloves boiled with a cup of water, 3 to 4 times a day for a week, should do the trick.

Carom Seeds

Carom seeds are also a good remedy for treating intestinal parasites. Half a spoon of these seeds with a glass of water once a day for two weeks should give you the desired results.

Pumpkin seeds

They contain a compound (tetracyclic triterpenes) that is anti-parasitic. They help to paralyzes parasites and flush them out from the body. Mix these roasted seeds with half a cup of water and coconut milk every morning on an empty stomach for a week.

Coconut Oil

Coconut is one of the most effective home remedies that treat intestinal worms. With its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, a tablespoon in your breakfast should get rid of those worms in no time.

Castor Oil

Mix a glass of lukewarm milk with two tablespoons of castor oil and take it once a week to get rid of all types of intestinal worms. Go for the ones labeled edible.

An Anti- Parasite Diet

Following a balanced diet high in nutrients and low in refined sugars and processed foods is essential during this process. Foods high in fiber help maintain regular bowel movements during the cleanse. A nutrient-rich diet boosts immunity as you flush the parasites out of your body. Plus, a healthy dose of probiotics will keep them out for a long time.

Other herbs and food types you can incorporate include garlic, anise, neem, wormwood, oregano, and ginger. Probiotic foods like kefir, and yogurts, are also good additions. And apple cider vinegar to balance the pH and improve digestion.

A homemade parasitic cleanse can combine dietary and supplementary plans. Both work together just fine to get you back in tip-top shape without the need for prescription medicine. Most parasitic infections disappear on their own. If not, see a doctor for further assistance. Home-based remedies are very effective and are some of the best parasite cleanse solutions. Since prevention is crucial, avoid raw or under-cooked meats and always drink clean, purified water.