One in 33 babies in USA are born with certain abnormalities or critical conditions. Birth defects are caused mainly due to certain genetic disorders, behavioural or environmental factors.
Toxins and birth defects have a strong correlation. In most of the prenatal and postnatal studies, it has been observed that toxins or chemicals found in maternal blood are also present in umbilical cord connecting the fetus. Prenatal exposure of mother to environmental chemicals like mercury, lead, arsenic, chlorine, cadmium or pesticides can lead to harmful deformities in new born. Fetal alcohol syndrome resulting in severe neurological problems is caused by the exposure of mother to alcohol during pregnancy.
Women working in beauty salons, paint manufacturing industries, dry cleaners and in agricultural industry are prone to absorb toxic chemicals. It increases the risk of birth defects in workers’ children.
It is the responsibility of employers to prevent their employees from exposure to harmful chemicals. If a worker woman gives birth to a child with birth defect and has doubt of getting exposed to toxins in her work place, she can get the compensation for herself and her baby.
The toxins generally responsible for Toxins and birth defects are:
-Lead is a very harmful chemical and is present in contaminated water and lead based paints. It gives rise to skin tags, undescended testicles in male child, neurological disorders, spontaneous abortion and premature delivery.
-Absorption of Mercury during pregnancy can cause serious nervous disorders in new borns. The main source of mercury is seafood, as it gets accumulated in the tissues of sea animals like Cod, Pollock, Halibut, Salmon and Shellfish.
-Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) is another major toxin consumed by eating fish of contaminated waters. PCB absorption also occurs at workplace in industries including manufacture of switches, transformers and other electrical equipments. It causes chronic damage to nervous system, decreased cognitive abilities.
-Pesticides like dieldrin, benomyl, hexachlorobenzene, atrazine, carbaryl, DDT etc, directly affect endocrine system, enzyme generated mechanism and cause high risks in infant survival sometimes.
-Carbon Monoxide is yet another hazardous gas emitted from cigarettes, automobiles and industrial exhausts. It causes low birth weight and premature delivery.
-Chlorine is widely used as a disinfectant in big water supplies. This chlorine can combine with other chemicals to form teratogenic materials( factor or agent causing damage to embryo). It increases risk of miscarriage and poor fetal growth.
-Arsenic, Cadmium, Organic Solvents, paints, Toluene, Xylene are a number of toxins released in industrial waste and various manufacturing processes.
-Alcohol, Caffeine, Tobacco, Aspirin and certain reactive drugs in normal amounts or overdose can cause serious nervous, intestinal ailments in new born.
To control the prenatal exposure of mother to hazardous toxins:
-The purity of drinking water must be assured. Purified and detoxified water should be used by pregnant woman.
-Less or no exposure to chemical processes during pregnancy must be ensured.
-Intake of caffeine, alcohol, tobacco or any other harmful drugs should be avoided during pregnancy.
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