Since commercial industries are known to produce waste products that are considered harmful to humans, plants, and aquatic life, a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) is a necessity. The plan shows the ways that the plant will be reducing pollutants discharge in storm water. It clearly identifies the potential contaminants produced by the industry and their control measures. SWPPP compliance requirements differ from state to state but what remains constant is the inspection routine. To ensure that you always pass the inspection checks, here are the top tips to observe:

Develop the Undeveloped Site

This is usually the first step in drawing an SWPPP. It helps you to identify the main pollutants, their sources, and control strategies. You’ll need to:

• Do a site visit to identify the specific problems affecting the undeveloped area

• Gather and study the site’s maps, identify storm drains, receiving waters, and storm water conveyance systems

• Describe the construction project comprehensively

• Document all the results of the site assessment with comprehensive site maps

• Identify all the pollutants and their sources

• Consider installing post-construction storm water controls

Site Stabilization

Once you have addressed the undeveloped site, the next thing is to check the other areas to ensure that they are stable. Things to do include:

• Plant vegetation to improve the soil structure

• Set up soil binders to stabilize the soil

• Introduce mulch to add grip to the topsoil

Identify Your BMPs

Every site needs to identify its Best Management Practices (or BMPs). The practices are site-specific. They are meant to help you conserve the soil. The BMPs include:

• Controlling movement of vehicles and machines on a protected site

• Doing a construction in phases

• Protecting stormwater inlets

Reduce Surface Runoff

It’s necessary that you devise a plan for preventing stormwater runoff. This helps to prevent surface flooding.
Preventive approaches include:

• Use pipe drains to redirect stormwater runoff down a slope

• Reduce soil impermeability by planting deep-rooted plants to facilitate infiltration

• Install a fence to hold the stormwater runoff


Lastly, you need to ensure that waste materials are properly disposed of. In this case, you should:

• Create a waste management plan (a recycling or reusing scheme)

• Have a spill response scheme

• Design a plan for handling hazardous materials

Considering how often the SWPPP compliance requirements change from time to time, it’s important to stay updated. The above tips are a great place to start as you look forward to your next inspection. They’ll ensure that there are no hitches during the exercise.