If you realize that your child has head lice, you will definitely run for an effective treatment right away. And the first place that you are likely to turn to is local drug store for the most readily available product. However, this is not the only option that you have. Remember, although head lice are a terrible nuisance and can cause a lot of discomfort to your child, they are considerably harmless—they neither cause illness nor spread diseases. Accordingly, it is always critical to spare some time to do your research and choose a safer treatment option. For inspiration, here are the top natural treatment options that you can consider:

1. Nit Comb:

Working through your child’s hair one small section at a time, use a fine-toothed nit comb to remove the small critters from the hair. For more effective elimination of the lice, you can apply essential oils and comb through hair with each brushing. Combing your child’s hair at least 3 times a week will go a long way in helping your remove the eggs and the newly hatched lice from your kid’s head.

2. Tea tree oil: This essential oil is an amazing treatment option for head lice.

• Add 3-5 drops of the oil to one ounce of natural shampoo

• Mix 3 tablespoons of a carrier oil such as coconut, sesame, or jojoba and a teaspoon of the tea tree oil in a bowl

• Apply to the infested hair for around 30 minutes and shampoo normally

• When washing infested items, add 10-20 drops directly into the washing machine

• When combing the hair with a nit comb, you can add about 15 drops of the oil to 2 ounces of water.

3. Garlic

• Grind 8-10 cloves of garlic to form a thick paste

• Add 2-3 teaspoons of lime juice or water

• Apply to the scalp

• Leave the paste for about 30 minutes and rinse out thoroughly

4. Coconut oil

• Before applying the coconut oil, rinse the hair with apple cider vinegar and allow it to dry

• Apply the oil to the hair and cover with a towel or shower cap

• Leave it for 6-8 hours

• Comb the hair with a nit comb and shampoo normally

• To completely eradicate the lice, apply this treatment every day for 5-7 days.

5. Neem oil shampoo

Neem oil is another great all-natural insecticide that you can use to eliminate head lice. Once you have detected lice infestation, add a few drops of the oil to your normal shampoo.

6. Other essential oils

The following essential oils are also considered to be natural, safe and effective ways of treating head lice:

• lavender
• oregano
• eucalyptus
• rosemary
• Clove
• peppermint
• cinnamon
• thyme
• ylang ylang

Add any of them to carrier oil such as coconut, olive or sesame and apply to the infested hair using the same procedure as coconut oil.


For effective treatment, after each of the above highlighted treatment options, strive to check the hair and comb with nit comb after 2-3 days to lower the risk of re-infestation. You can also consult trained head lice professionals for proper diagnosis and treatments.