The colder months require total protection to every part of their bodies; you will find almost everyone covers their heads using various caps and hats. Custom Beanies are among the top things that most people prefer to use to protect their heads from cold; multiple benefits and factors make them more preferable than the other. They keep you warm; they are versatile and easy to wear, among many other important reasons to use the beanies. Most people would want to make their beanies instead of always buying, of which this is a good idea; they are easy to make and do not require too many things to start.

The following tips can guide you make the best beany for you or your loved one:

Embroidery looks better

Embroidery keeps you on style and a good design; however, some people want their hats printed or personalized. To keep it warm and simple, you should design it with the simplest and easy to do embroidery stitches; one can do this to perfection since you do not need too much experience to make all these a success. Moreover, with this method, you do not need many requirements to start and get through it; you need your skills, a needle, and a thread then you are set.

Use simple designs

As mentioned earlier, Custom Beanies are simple to make, and therefore the design you have to keep in mind while making them should be simple. The other features are added to the hat once you are done knitting, and it needs decorations where necessary as per the requirements. However, when they are made plain, they look better as they easily blend in any clothing and occasion.

Choose the correct thread type and color.

The thread color you choose determines how the end product will look; therefore, you should consider the type of thread and color you will use for your project. When selecting the type, you can use any thread; woolen, thin, or even thick ones still perform the same purpose; however, the thickness and warmth the beanies will give differs depending on the thread you use. Color is not of great importance; it is determined by the client or the person you are working for.


Making Custom Beanies can be accessed simultaneously; it depends on your research and approach methods you use to work on the project. If you research and still find it hard to make yours, consider consulting one of the exp[erts near you to guide you on what you might have forgotten.