The COVID-19 global pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns worldwide have resulted in the grounding of flights and closed borders within, and between, nation-states. Consequently, the travel industry, notwithstanding travel bloggers and influencers, has been taking a huge hit. So much so, that if you run a travel blog or website, you may be at a loss concerning what to do for content. Thankfully, all is not lost. In fact, if you play your cards correctly, you can turn things around and continue to grow your platform even in this socio-economic climate.

Cool Content Ideas To Generate Traffic For Your Travel Blog Website

COVID-19 Travel Protocols Tips

COVID-19 will be here for a while. As such, whatever our industry, vocation, or interests, we will need to become increasingly familiar with the shifting protocols and implement them as a part of our daily lives. Admittedly, staying on top of said protocols carr with it its own stresses. However, creative content creators like yourself can create content that allows travel lovers to easily and seamlessly integrate these protocols into their travel plans. This includes everything from packing to transitting airports, staying in hotels, and understanding local protocols regarding public gatherings and so forth.

Virtual Experiences

Due largely to social distancing protocols, more people the world over are turning to their digital resources for experiences of all kinds. This is a shift that travel bloggers and influencers can capitalise on and bring new ‘other world’ experiences to travel lovers right where they are. These ‘other world’ experiences can be had through using virtual reality features, as well as through combining images and videos with exciting commentary to make the experiences as true to life as possible.

Staycation Tips and Option

Finally, when you are unable to go on vacation or otherwise see the world, your next best option is to have a really exciting staycation. A staycation is made possible when travel lovers are given the tools to bring the experiences of travel (such as rest and relaxation, and scenery) to where they are, instead of having to go somewhere to experience the same. Travel bloggers and influencers can use their websites and other platforms to share the best available tips in this regard to help location-bound travellers enjoy where they are as much as possible.

There you have it! Three really awesome content options that influencers and travel bloggers can use to boost the content on their travel blog website, and consequently its traffic. Happy travelling!