Many people sign up for body image coaching because they do not like their bodies. Many just want to feel good enough or confident for once in their lives. Everybody should love their curves but it is not always the case. Here are some facts that your body image coach wishes you knew.

Apparel Size Doesn’t Matter

Perhaps you are size 14 or 2 and are constantly checking the tag sizes. Remember that every brand fits differently plus you might fall into the vicious cycle of self-hate. There is never a one-size-fits-all, remember. When you put on a dress, nobody actually cares about the size. So your focus should be on clothing that you feel comfortable in. The more comfortable you are, the more confident you feel.

Negative Feelings Are Enemies of Progress

Feeling ashamed or guilty can never sustain your motivation in the long run. In fact, they demotivate you every day. If you ever find yourself with negative thoughts about your body, find something positive to counteract them. For instance, you can recite morning mantras for a happier day.

Body Image Problems are Global

You are not the only one with body image issues. People of all sizes, ages, shapes, and color face these things. Often, it has nothing to do with dieting or workouts. It just happens that everyone is created uniquely.

Your Body Size is Synonymous with Shoe Size

When you go shopping for shoes, you already know your size. So, you cannot waste too much time searching for the perfect size. In the same manner, you must not spend hours in the mirror trying to find the perfect dress. Simply accept your size and get something comfy to cover it.

Have 3 Favorite Outfits

Sometimes, it feels like there is nothing fitting in the closet for a certain day. You can eliminate this bad mood if you invest in 3 fabulous outfits. Make them your favorite wear whenever you feel you are having a bad day.

Celebrate Body Parts

There are always those parts of your body you love and those that you don’t. It is good to have a fest with the latter. Celebrate them and look for something positive about yourself. Keep in mind all compliments that your loved ones give you. Be nice to your body.

There is a common notion that body image coaching teaches: Everyone is created differently. Rather than comparing yourself to TV models and celebrities, set your mind on how unique you are from the rest. They may weigh more or less but that doesn’t mean they are better human beings than you.