Your logo represents your brand to the world. People will see it and think about you and your business. Make sure that you are associated with a winning image. You could hire a professional to design one for you. You could also create your own logo using an online tool. Whichever path you take, remember the following style guides that even the experts use in their projects:

Simplicity is Beauty

A lot of people shy away from designing this graphic thinking that it is a complex undertaking. The reality is that you don’t need to be particularly artistic in order to come up with a clever logo. However, you should have a firm grasp of the basics and have an eye for simplicity. Simple shapes are easy to recognize. The most popular logos around the world are made from these shapes. For example, intertwined circles represent the Olympics. A popular tech company uses fruit for its logo. The biggest sports company chose a check mark.

Inject Character

Despite the logo’s simplicity, it should be able to convey the character of the business with every stroke. Think about how you want others to perceive your brand. Do you want to come across as cheerful and fun? Would you like to be known for being serious and professional? Do you feel the need to emphasize masculinity or femininity to cater to your target audience? This may be necessary for certain industries but not to others. Maybe you want to come across as gender neutral to attract more shoppers?

Test in Monochrome

You should check whether your design works in a single color as it does with multiple colors. Many of the prints will be in black and white including your letterhead and your business cards. On the other hand, you could use full-color logos for your website. It should look good either way. Make sure that important details won’t get washed out when you use grayscale. Otherwise, your logo might become unrecognizable.

Make It Scalable

The create your own logo will be used in applications where it needs to be extremely small like in browser tabs. It will also be used in things that require them to be huge like in full-page ads and billboards. In whatever size, it still needs to look nice and easy to spot.

Go ahead and make several studies of what your logo might look like. Sketch them on paper and use an online tool for the final design.