Before promoting your electronic silent auction, you should know a few things. These include the benefits of conducting them, the sites and tools to use, and how to promote them. This article can be an invaluable resource if you’re thinking of organizing one. It will give you the knowledge you need to promote the event successfully. So read on to discover how to create and run an electronic silent auction. After reading this article, you’ll be ready to launch your event!
Benefits of electronic silent auctions
If your organization is planning a silent auction, you should consider adopting mobile bidding as a part of your silent auction software. Mobile bidding can help you coordinate in-person and online bidders. With mobile bidding, guests can set their maximum bids and allow the software to place their bids. They can enjoy the auction’s other activities while their bids are being taken down. Moreover, mobile bidding allows you to remove the need to have a bidder on-site.
Sites to host them
There are many advantages to hosting an electronic silent auction online. Aside from being convenient for the guests, online event sites also serve as a digital catalog of the items up for auction. In addition to eliminating the need for printed catalogs, the online event sites can also be updated continuously to give your event more visibility. Therefore, using these services can be an effective and efficient way to promote your charity or event. Read on to find out more about these benefits.
You can open online bidding before and after the silent auction. You may also choose to open the auction before the event starts so that attendees can bid on the items. Online event sites can attract a larger number of bidders by providing this option. This can lead to a greater profit for your nonprofit organization. To avoid having a less-than-ideal site, consider setting the starting bid for your items at a lower amount.
Tips to promote them
Creating email campaigns is a great way to market an electronic silent auction. You can use various tools, including Sendinblue and MailChimp, to create email campaigns. You can also use a feature of word processing software called mail merge to create a single email with multiple recipients. Email marketing has some basic rules, though. First, you should create at least two email campaigns to promote your electronic silent auction.
Ensure that participants are aware of the silent auction’s registration process. When people purchase items, they are more likely to participate and bid. The more people that participate, the more funds the organization will raise. Having the bidding process available on mobile devices can help organizations leave their displays open later in the evening, which is essential for silent auctions. You can also take down the display earlier than with paper bid sheets.
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