Early family literacy refers to a range of programs that promotes the inter-generational nature of literacy and are based on the philosophy that literacy in a child is promoted by introducing activities revolving around literacy early in a child’s life.
Family literacy programs promote the following:
• Encouraging literacy activities between the child and parent
• Training in parenting literacy activities
• Promoting literacy training that results in economic self-sufficiency
• Age appropriate educational initiatives in literacy to prepare children for success in school and life experiences
The foundation of early family literacy is that parents are supported as teachers of their children. While family literacy programs provide good developmental experiences for young children, their parents are also provided with instruction on parenting skills and ways to change patterns of family interaction. Some programs first build the literacy skills of parents and then extend those learning opportunities to include pre-employment and employment skills. The approach taken to instruction is modified to respond to the specific circumstances of each family and the wide variety of cultures that are subject to the program. Family literacy programs vary from one community to another and each program must works to meet the specific needs of the participants it is aimed at as well as the overall community.
Participants in family literacy programs usually consist of children, one of the parents or a close family member; the term parent refers to anyone fulfilling the responsibilities usually associated with caring for and teaching a child (or children) over a sustained period. Family literacy programs are usually found as a component of a larger adult education program.
Current research shows that children’s motivation to be successful in school is influenced by the educational level of their parents. Cognitive science research emphasizes the impact of family and social environment on a child’s cognitive development and their acquisition of literacy. Parental involvement in their children’s education positively influences student achievement and results in better attendance, motivation, confidence and behavior.
Parents who read to their children regularly, have books in the home and show a positive attitude toward school can help establish high achievement goals for their children and demonstrate literacy as a worthwhile aim. Adults that have not mastered basic literacy skills cannot display appropriate literacy behavior to their children and often pass on the negative attitudes and lack of ability that keep them from breaking the cycle of illiteracy.
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