Shungite is a crystal known for its healing power. Its properties include grounding, purification, and protection. It is also known to help with problems relating to BS in interpersonal relationships. Although its healing power does not necessarily lead to increased harmony, it can help you cut through the BS and get to the root of the problem. In addition, shungite promotes a positive mindset and increases overall happiness.


The Shungite crystal is a powerful purification stone. It helps a person to focus on his or her objectives and to stay grounded. It also opens doors for success and can help people understand why they have not achieved their goals. Its purification powers include transforming the dark side of ourselves and helping us to understand our role in the world.


The Shungite crystal has a powerful grounding, centering, and protective energies. Its unique grounding energy makes it the best crystal for balancing the lower energy centers of the body. In addition, its ancient energy and unique functional properties make it an ideal choice for OM or Modern Day practice.


Shungite is a great crystal to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation. You can use it to protect yourself by carrying it as a tumbled crystal or wearing it as jewelry. You can also place it near electronic devices such as cell phones and laptops. Many scientists believe that Shungite can neutralize harmful electromagnetic fields.


Modern studies have found that Shungite crystal has strong anti-bacterial properties. However, further studies are necessary before the full effects of Shungite crystal can be known.

Purification of air

Shungite is a black, glassy mineral that originated in Russia’s Karelia region. It is made up of 98% carbon and is useful as a purification agent. Shungite contains so much carbon that it is sometimes called “fullerenes.” Fullerenes are carbon molecules with several useful properties, including neutralizing harmful organisms and antimicrobial properties.

Enhancement of force

Shungite is a mineraloid or rock, that is both hard and soft. It has the unique ability to absorb and transform electromagnetic and geopathic emissions, which is why it has been used as a healing stone for centuries. The largest deposits of shungite can be found in Russia’s Northwest region, but it has also been found in India, Kazakhstan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

In conclusion,shungite crystal has a wide range of healing properties that can help improve your overall well-being. If you’re looking for a crystal that can help you in your own personal journey, shungite is a great option. Keep in mind that the benefits of shungite may vary depending on the user’s individual circumstances and needs, so be sure to consult with a trusted health professional if you have any questions or concerns about using this powerful crystal.