The real options analysis became a separate discipline that facilitates decision making in low visibility contexts. It identifies the value of managerial flexibility and uncertainty in which the project operates. This value is often ignored by conventional investment evaluation tools, it takes into account all the possibilities of the Forex VPS project.

From an operational point of view, the AOR encourages policymakers to clarify the assumptions of their projections. Thus, it becomes an excellent tool for communication and formalization of business strategy can go up the adoption of a way of thinking by the real options.

The real option, by analogy with the financial option confers the right, but not the obligation. The approach of real options analysis is therefore to identify opportunities related to a Forex VPS project and benefit from any increase in the market while limiting the downside risks.

The limitations of traditional assessment techniques. The traditional assessment techniques (typically Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return) used by the vast majority of practitioners is often based on subjective static input values, and the project throughout its life.

They assume a passive management of the project beyond the date of decision. They ignore managerial flexibility, this flexibility disappears when the decision focuses on a single date. They require assumptions of discount rate questionable, these Forex VPS rates are often adjusted subjectively compared to the risks the company is exposed. They are often based on assumptions of constant discount rate and risk, which is unrealistic.

The image of the resulting investment has the double disadvantage of being linear (it does not consider intermediate trajectories ) and centered on average values, which restricts the field of view of the decision maker. The contribution of real options analysis for Forex VPS.

The technical evaluation of investment projects evaluate the advisability of investing in a real assets, that is, to buy or sell products or services (projects) in the future. These projects are the result of innovation or process of successful development. The reasoning of the real options analysis differs from traditional analyzes at different points. It involves the active management of the project: it allows reasoning on all future cash flows of the project (considered continuous).

It includes managerial flexibility: it can provide answers to track changes made by the project. It is not based on assumptions of discount rate. The risk is modeled and can be reduced by abandoning the project in case of an unfavorable course.

Despite appearances, this tool goes further than just financial investment appraisal. It provides a broader picture of the project, capturing the ability of managers to modify or optimize the operations and activities as and when information becomes available or when uncertainties are removed.