Surveillance cameras keep getting tinier by the day, making them even harder to detect. In this day and age, there’s no telling where an extra set of eyes would be located around you. If you thought the smoke detector and power adapter are the only possibilities of finding a spy camera, you are awfully mistaken. There are numerous options when it comes to hiding a spy cam equipment. As a guide, here are 5 unique places to hide a spy camera
USB flash drive
Who would have thought that one day we will have a camera hidden inside a regular USB storage stick? These types of hidden cameras are among the most sophisticated and spotting them is not a walk in the park. However, if you have an eye for detail, you can pick out the camera lens from a USB flash drive as it is usually located opposite the USB plug, on the posterior side of the stick. This spy cam is ideal for an office or classroom setting.
Tissue box
Another creative idea is to hide the spy camera inside your usual tissue paper box or dispenser. Manufacturers of these contraptions brand them as pinhole free to make detection difficult. They are heavier than normal tissue boxes and are great additions at home or the office.
Toilet brush
Now, this one is the most shocking on this list. The rationale behind this impressive idea is that virtually no one is interested in messing up with a filthy toilet brush. Most of them come with a motion detector and remote control making covert surveillance a possibility. These spy cams are available in retail stores and a few online shops as well.
Cell phone charger
It is not uncommon to find a hidden camera in a power adapter. What many people never anticipate is hiding one in a cell phone charger. The principle is the same as that of a power adapter in that the spy cam equipment is plugged into the wall hence fooling people into thinking it’s a regular USB cell phone charger.
Sports shoes are the last places anyone would think to find a spy camera. In all honesty, they appear like your normal shoes but contain apiece of camera equipment embedded in one of its tongues. The hidden camera points upwards offering upside down perspective of the surrounding.
Clearly, spy cam equipment can be found in the unlikely of places. Now, you may never know who’s watching you wherever you go. Beware and careful with everything you do!
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