Lease purchase flatbed companies offer a wide range of benefits to the truck drivers. It is especially beneficial for the new truck drivers. Now you can own your own truck without paying any down payment. There is no credit check either. Once you have decided to make money from the trucking business, go for the flatbed lease and achieve your financial goals. There are many advantages of this leasing option. You will have low monthly repayments. There is an option to return the truck and you will receive 100% deduction in your business taxes. You can lease a new or used truck on 1-5 year flexible terms. The trucking company offers you the option to choose weekly or monthly payment.
A Variety of Options
You will receive 70% of the load and 100% of the fuel surcharge given by the customer. With no down payment and credit check, you simply walk in and walk out with the lease. You do not have to worry about the buyout payment. The title is transferred to you as soon you clear the last deduction and make the final payment. Now it is your truck. It cannot be simpler than this. You are free to cancel the contract at any time.
Serving the Nationwide Needs
The trucking company offering this service has customers from all over the country. The company you deal with may specialize in the transportation of a particular line of products. Its partners value its services and it reflects in its revenue records. Its dedicated staff is ready to help you set up your trucking business successfully. You can expect up to 3000 miles every week at a minimum. Most drivers pull in about $0.60 revenue per mile. Now is the time to start your own trucking business under the guidance of a partner that has a team of professional and passionate leaders. Check the terms and conditions of the affordable lease purchase program.
Become an Owner Operator
When you partner with the truck company under the lease purchase program, you will enjoy several benefits. You receive at least $1000 down payment assistance immediately. There are various freight and load options to keep your business schedule fully booked. You will have self-dispatch system and plenty of miles to go. The trucking company will pay you fuel discounts, performance bonuses and referral bonuses.
Learn more about becoming a trucking owner operator with the help of lease purchase flatbed companies. Contact such a company near you for more information.
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