As soon as cannabis was made legal on the market, weed capitalists worked hard to invent ways for consumers to get high. In just a few years, many marijuana products hit the market.
Perhaps the most extreme cannabis product is the cannabis cigar or cannagar. Imagine a full-sized cigar made out of pure cannabis. While a joint takes a few minutes to consume, a cannagar would take hours. Fortunately, you can make one yourself with a single cannagar mold.
The Hefty Price of a Cannagar
Smoking a full-sized cannagar is tempting. Having one in your mouth makes you feel like a stoned billionaire.
The problem with pre-rolled cannagars is the hefty price. These cigars can go as high as $500. You have to sacrifice a large portion of your income to enjoy a long-lasting pot session.
How You Can Save Money
The cannabis mold kit industry is changing the market. With a do-it-yourself mold kit, you can make one at any given time. DIY molds provide an opportunity for the less fortunate.
Also, you can experiment with several concentrations and strains of cannabis. You can even change the wrap. Your creativity is the limit. Use your imagination and come up with a variety of combinations for added fun.
Enjoy the Process
The idea for the cannagar came from the Thai stick, a kind of cannabis cigar skewered in a bamboo stick. Today, you make cannagars in much the same way.
A mold kit comes with a mold, tamping tool, and bamboo skewers. To use it, place several grams of your favorite herb in the mold and insert the skewer. Press the cannabis hard with the tamping tool to make it as compact as possible.
Leave the compressed cannabis for a few hours. However, some recommend that you leave it for a day or two. Curing for a longer time makes it burn slower and hit smoother.
As soon as the cannabis is ready, take it out of the mold. Wrap it with a classic leaf or your favorite wrap. Add concentrates or wax on the outside for personal touch.
Enjoy the process and invite your friends for a session. You can enjoy the cannagar for hours.
You do not have to spend a fortune to enjoy a cannagar. You can make one yourself with a quality single cannagar mold. Perfect the process of making the best cannagar and impress your friends.
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