If you own a car in London, it’s probable that you detest it when your car breaks down and you have to repair it. Even though you may not like it, a repair is clearly the cheaper option if compared to buying a new car. Nonetheless, it can be costly. For instance, the following are estimates of what you are likely to incur once your car ends up in a repair shop in London:

• Spark plug replacement: $100-$200
• Cabin air filter replacement: $25-$100
• Front or rear windshield replacement: $100-$300
• Transmission fluid flush: $75-$150
• Engine cooler temperature sensor replacement: $100-$150
• Radiator replacement: $500
• Serpentine or Timing or belt replacement: $500-$950
• Water pump replacement: $300-$750

The good news is that you can do something about it. Here is a quick overview of how you can save on your car repairs in London:

1. Identify the Best and Nearest Auto Shop and Stick with It

There are many car repairs London experts but you have to find the best, and be a regular customer. Once you have identified a specific auto repair shop, you’ll become their valued customer. This means that they can sometimes give you discounts on spare parts and inspection charges. Additionally, the mechanics will become familiar with your car, allowing them to always figure out how to fix it cheaply each time you come over. Every auto repair shop strives to keep their existing customers, and they will always try to charge you reasonably whenever you visit.

2. Always Consider Second Opinions

Just because you found a mechanic or an auto shop that is near you doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t consider shopping around for cheaper options. To ensure that your first pick is fair, you should get price estimates from other auto shops and compare them.

3. Do the Diagnosis Yourself

Today, there are scanners and code readers that you can use to determine the problem that is facing your car. The scanners have inbuilt beep systems to indicate where the real problem is. Therefore, you don’t have to take your car to the mechanic to know what the issue is. This saves you the cash that you would have paid a mechanic. If you are a DIY enthusiast and you know a few things about cars, you can save a lot of money by simply investing in these diagnosis kits or scanners.

4. Do the Repair Yourself

If you are able to diagnose the real problem affecting your car, you can as well repair it. You may be surprised that some repairs are things that you could do using the car’s manual, for example, replacing the brakes, air filters, and rotor.


Clearly, there are ways that you can save money on car scratch repair cost in London. You just need to understand your car and know what it needs when it fails. Whether it’s a DIY fix or a mechanic’s task, you should do it cheaply using the highlighted tips.