What is a Jehova Witness?
A “Jehova Witness” is a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, a millenarian restorationist Christian denomination with nontrinitarian beliefs distinct from mainstream Christianity. Jehovah’s Witnesses are best known for their door-to-door preaching, distributing literature such as The Watchtower and Awake!, and refusing military service. They consider the use of the name Jehovah essential for proper worship.
Who is Jehova?
Questions to ask JW, Jehovah is the English rendering of the Hebrew יְהֹוָה, one vocalization of the Tetragrammaton (יהוה), the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible.
How many Jehovah Witnesses are there?
There were about seven million active Jehovah’s Witnesses as per their official website
What questions should you ask JW when they come to your door? I would recommend asking them questions that will help you understand what exactly they believe and why because if you can get a better understanding then it makes it easier for yourself to decide whether or not you want to pursue a further conversation with them. Some questions might include: – How do Jehova witnesses define “truth”? – How do Jehovah’s witnesses define sin? – When did Jehova witness believe that Jesus began ruling in heaven as king of the universe?
Do you think it’s possible to be free from all pain and suffering in this world?
No, I don’t think so. No matter how much money or resources we have at our disposal there is no guarantee for anyone against any kind of physical ailment or emotional trauma.
It can be hard to know what questions to ask Jehovah’s Witnesses, especially if you think they might be a little bit too pushy. But there are questions that we all need answers to before we agree or disagree with something- and these questions should be asked! We’ve created this list of questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses below so that you can feel confident in asking them yourself.
The first question is easy to ask and it’s a good place for you to start the conversation. “Can I have a copy of this?” This is an excellent way to show that you want more information so they may give you something from their bag or briefcase, which will help open up questions later on.
The next questions are great questions that need answers as well: What does Jehovah expect? How can we please God? Isn’t Jesus really important in his role as mediator between man and God? Who is going to live forever- those who believe what JW teaches now, only 144 000 individuals, all the other believers from past religions went into oblivion because there was no organization left behind them anymore, etc.?
For more questions to ask JW, check online.
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