Glass coffee cups are attractive and functional. You can save money when you buy glass coffee cups online. In some cases, up to 50% or more of the cost of buying in a traditional store. You will find plenty of choices in style and color online.
Buying coffee cups online saves time and money. You won’t have to drive from one retail store to another, to find the style and features you want. You can spend more time browsing, to find the exact style you want for your business needs. Whether you’re buying for a corporate office, a restaurant, or coffee house, you will be able to find just what you want at an affordable price.
Glass coffee cups come in three basic shapes: round, cylinder, and tapered. Clear glass is ideal for having a company emblem stamped on the side, to promote the business. Some other choices include a tinted bottom, etched design, or a coffee cup with a base. The coffee mug with a base is typically known as an Irish coffee cup. But, its use is not limited to Irish themed events.
Tinted glass coffee cups are ideal for coordinating with an event or special colors representing a business. Tinting provides a hint of color, while allowing users to see the contents. They will be able to tell if their coffee has the right amount of cream or is made to personal preference.
Glass coffee mugs can be as formal or as casual as you need them to be. The rounded versions tend to be suited for casual environments. They are ideal for coffee houses and cafes, where the atmosphere is casual. The sculpted or tapered mugs are suited to more formal settings. They are great for catered events or for more formal offices and restaurants.
Some glass coffee cups online come with lids, to help retain heat and keep contents at the desired temperature. People often prefer their coffee hot, from a steaming mug. Glass cups with lids are suitable for a variety of functions, including formal events. If you’re looking for a specific size, glass coffee cups come in a variety of sizes, from 8 ounces to 16 ounces.
Glass coffee cups are becoming more desirable to customers in a variety of settings. They are environmentally friendly and customers look for companies that support environmental efforts. Whether you prefer a style without the handle, with the handle, with a lid, or the narrow Irish coffee cup style, there are plenty of styles to choose from in clear, tinted, and colored glass.
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