Power and conflict revision is all about the in-depth study of poems in an anthology. If you want to do well in this part of the exam, then you need to take it seriously and give it the attention that it deserves. It is a difficult subject in its own way. The poems included are complex and the questions are challenging. You cannot pass this without actually doing the hard work required. Many will benefit from having revision notes and other study aids within reach. These will guide the student through each piece and present key points to remember. Possible questions will also be included. The following are vital facets of the revision:


Some of the questions will require a photographic memory. You will need to know the poem’s by heart to such a degree that you will be able to recite them or write them down in a moment’s notice. At the very least, you should be familiar with key lines from these pieces to recognize which quote was from this or that poem. This will be extremely helpful when it comes to the exam as you will have no trouble recollecting certain important quotes. You will be able to articulate your answers better and get a higher score.


Of course, it is never enough to simply memorize the poems. You need to understand each line and how they all come together to present a thesis. Poems are notoriously difficult because they are filled with symbolism and references that require a lot of thought. If you are having difficulties, then you may want to try reading Power and conflict revision that explain each poem line by line or stanza by stanza. As you go through each of these, you will begin to understand how the poet’s mind works. You will also begin to develop the mental tools needed to comprehend new poems on your own.


Knowing is only part of the battle. You should be able to harness the information that you have uncovered in ways that allow you to dissect them in a more technical manner. That is what the exams demand. You must be proficient in the technical aspects of literary analysis. For example, you may be asked to state the aspects of power and conflict in the poem. You might need to discuss the viewpoint taken by the poet. You must be able to pick out specific lines that deal with this subject. Learn how they used language and structure to craft their message.