If you like throwing parties in your backyard, then you should consider installing outdoor speakers to make these events more lively. Make sure that you have the consent of your neighbors and homeowner’s association to prevent issues when you do so. Better yet, invite them over so that you can all share in the good food and great music. If you have never set up this kind of system before, then you can call an electrician or audio expert to help you. You could also study the topic and try your hand at it if you feel like you are up to the task. Consider the following outdoor audio installation tips:
Choose the right equipment for the application. It’s best to get outdoor waterproof speakers even if you are setting up during summer. You just never know when the rain will come and wreak havoc on your setup. Waterproof speakers will keep you relaxed. Think about the layout of your backyard consider how many of these speakers will be needed to cover the space. Sound waves dissipate quickly outdoors so you need to have louder ones. It’s better to have several smaller speakers than a single loud source for more even distribution.
There should be an indoor receiver that is shielded from the weather. Run wires from this device to the outdoor audio installation by drilling a small hole in the wall. Seal the gaps after the wires are in place to maintain good insulation. Even if you have waterproof speakers, it’s still a good idea to place them in a sheltered area. Keep them close to the wall under the roof. This should protect them from the sun as well. They will be less likely to get toppled by strong winds. Put space between speakers to enjoy the stereo effect.
Mount these speakers slightly above the ground. This will be beneficial in a number of ways. First, the bottom will not get wet due to contact with the ground. Second, the wires will be easier to see and less prone to accidental tripping. Third, the sound waves will propagate to a longer distance. You won’t need as many speakers to cover the ground. Do remember to test the sound before mounting. You might want to increase separation or adjust the height if you are not happy with the sounds. Provide a tilt so that that water can drip down easily.
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