The brain is the center of all thoughts. Unfortunately, life is full of stressors that often push brain activity out of harmony. Death of loved ones, illnesses, job loss, and divorce are just a few of the factors that negatively alter our thoughts. Neurofeedback training aims to address ths by controlling brainwave activity and increase flexibility within the brain. It is the magic wand to depression, fear, anxiety, mood swings, and prescription medication among other benefits.
How Neurofeedback Training Works
Neurofeedback is essentially biofeedback for the brain. Medics monitor brain activity when subjected to certain conditions and create a feedback response through EEG or fMRI. This allows participants to self-regulate how their brains respond to these conditions. It is the same way a person may relax to lower their blood pressure upon reading a thermometer.
What to Expect
During the initial consultation, you discuss your needs with a psychologist to establish the best course of action. Clinicians use this opportunity to learn as much about the participant. Since every person is unique, the length, pace, and nature of each training are different. The medic then discusses to detail what to expect during the training.
The next appointment involves monitoring through a quantitative electroencephalogram to visualize the activity of the brain. Expect to have medical probes attached to your scalp. This session lasts about an hour and sets the tone for future sessions. A training program consists of about 30 sessions of 30 minutes each but this depends on individual response.
In most cases, we use your favorite game, movie, or music as the feedback medium during a training session. Using data from the EEG map, a medic compares what your mind is doing against what it is supposed to be doing. When your brain nears a comfortable state, it is rewarded with either of the feedback options. If it wanders to discomfort, it is punished by withdrawing the reward. Eventually, the brain learns the trick and seeks comfort in its desire for rewards.
It takes a properly trained medic to interpret a patient’s brain activity and deliver the required intervention. We have clinicians in a wide range of disciplines that provide the necessary support to make training possible. Our trainers are also well conversant with several techniques to help them interpret all conditions correctly.
Final Thoughts
Many are the paths one can take in pursuit of their wellbeing. From talk therapy and counseling to prescription medication, one can easily be spoilt for choice. However, neurofeedback training towers above all these options when it comes to providing optimal brain health.
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