There is a growing number of latinx lawyers who are making a difference in the legal field. These attorneys are breaking barriers and paving the way for others. They are proving that latinos can excel in any profession. Here, we will highlight three latinx lawyers who are making a name for themselves.

Marisol Ortiz is a latina lawyer who is making a difference. She is the co-founder of Hispanics Across America, an organization that provides legal assistance to latinos. Ortiz has also worked on cases involving police brutality and discrimination against latinos.

Jorge Ramos is another latinx lawyer who is making a difference. He is the founder of LatinoJustice, an organization that works to protect the rights of latinos. Ramos has also been involved in several high-profile court cases, including one that challenged the constitutionality of Puerto Rico’s debt crisis.

Sonia Sotomayor is a third latinx lawyer who is making a difference. She was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Barack Obama in 2009 and became the first latina to serve on the Court. Sotomayor has been a strong advocate for the rights of latinos and other minorities during her time on the Court.

Latinx lawyers are making a difference in the legal field. They are working to protect the rights of latinos and to ensure that they have access to justice. These three latinx lawyers are just a few of the many who are making a difference in the legal field.

If you’re interested in becoming a lawyer, consider studying law at one of these great latinx-serving law schools:

-University of California, Los Angeles School of Law

  • Stanford Law School
  • Harvard Law School
  • Yale Law School” LatinoJustice PRLDEF. “LatinoJustice PRLDEF.” Home, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, latinojustice(dot)org/.
  • National Association of Latinos in Law Enforcement. “National Association of Latinos in Law Enforcement.” Home – NALEO Educational Fund, NALEO Educational Fund, naleoedfund(dot)org/.
  • Hispanic National Bar Association. “Hispanic National Bar Association.” Homepage | Hispanic National Bar Association, Hispanic National Bar Association, hnba(dot)com/.
  • Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF). “Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF).” MALDEF The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund — Fighting for Latina/o Civil Rights Since 1968, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, maldef(dot)org/.
  • National Hispanic Media Coalition. “National Hispanic Media Coalition.” Home – NHMC, National Hispanic Media Coalition, nhmc(dot)org/.
  • Puerto Rican Bar Association. “Puerto Rican Bar Association.” Home | Puerto Rican Bar Association of Florida, Puerto Rican Bar Association, prbafl(dot)com/.
  • Cuban American Bar Association. “Cuban American Bar Association.” Cabaonline — Cuban AmericanBar Association, Cuban American Bar Association South Florida Chapter Dade County, cabasf(dot)com/.

We hope this information on latinos in law, was helpful.