Before you hire irrigation contractors, make sure to check their licensing credentials. This certification ensures that the contractor can handle the specialized requirements of water management. Certified irrigation contractors are familiar with site plans, contour plans, shop drawings, and soil conditions. They also understand piping systems and know their limitations. They should also be familiar with the parts of the water delivery system and have basic knowledge of hydraulics.
Another thing to look for in irrigation contractors is whether they carry workers’ compensation insurance. This will ensure that if one of their employees is injured while performing a job, they will be paid accordingly. This insurance is not required if the irrigation contractor is a one-person company. However, it is recommended for a business that employs more than one person.
Another important consideration is pricing. Most irrigation contractors mark up materials and subcontractors by at least 20 percent. For example, an irrigation contractor might charge $800 for materials for a day’s work. He could then divide this cost by the number of valves and heads needed. This would give him an idea of how much each component of the irrigation system costs. Alternatively, he could give you a lump sum price for the entire project.
In addition to licensing, irrigation contractors must also be certified. After 1996, irrigation contractors must have passed an examination administered by DCA to become certified. In order to maintain their license, irrigation contractors must complete 16 hours of continuing education every three years. In addition, they must submit course certificates to the Board before applying for a new license.
If you hire an irrigation contractor to install an irrigation system, it is crucial to ensure that the contractor is familiar with local regulations. The contractor must also identify any private underground lines that might cause problems with the installation. This may include septic field lines and drainage lines. The contractor should also check the landscape design before beginning the installation process.
During the irrigation season, sprinkler systems should be checked monthly. This period generally lasts from Memorial Day until mid-September. The sprinkler system’s parameters and controller should be adjusted if necessary to suit the type and condition of the lawn. It is also advisable to contact a sprinkler system technician to winterize your sprinkler system.
For an irrigation contractor to be successful, he or she must be willing to educate homeowners about water conservation techniques. He or she must be able to provide tips and advice regarding soil moisture sensors, which are vital for a successful irrigation system. In addition, irrigation contractors must be familiar with the various leak detection techniques used by irrigation equipment manufacturers. For example, some manufacturers of irrigation equipment even sell leak detection kits that are used by contractors. These leak detection kits generate vibrations while water flows through the sprinkler system. The contractor then listens for these vibrations and looks for any leaks.
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