IPL is an effective method of hair removal that uses light pulses directly on the skin. If you have a problem area that you have always wanted to treat once and for all, then you can try this to remove the hair. You could go to an aesthetic clinic that offers the service or perform the treatment at home by yourself. The device is small and relatively cheap. You can change the intensity of the light based on your needs. Just place the head on the skin and push the button. You will feel the prick of the intense light each time. Below are some IPL laser hair removal tips to remember:
Avoid the Light
Don’t look directly at the light. Your eyes will hurt and you may suffer from damage if you continue doing this. Some boxes come with shades that you can use to protect your eyes. If the package doesn’t have this, then just use any shades that you might have at home and look away from the device before pressing the button.
Patience is a Must
The process is slow so you might think that nothing is happening after a few weeks without major results. However, the reality is the changes are happening underneath the skin at the roots of the hairs. The hair should begin growing thinner after a while. It should also be easier to pluck them out. At a certain point, the hair will be almost imperceptible.
Shave Before Treatment
It’s best to shave the area before initiating every treatment session. This will make it easier for the light to penetrate to the roots and do the work that it is supposed to accomplish. When scheduling your treatments, allot time for this preliminary procedure so you’re not always in a hurry.
Use When Cool and Dry
It is best to use the IPL device when you are cool and dry. Perhaps you can do this after your morning shower after you have wiped away all of the excess moisture with a towel.
Start Low and Move Up
A lot of people are in a hurry to get results. They are tempted to turn the device to the maximum settings to help things along. However, this can be too harsh on sensitive skin. Some might find heat marks that feel tender to the touch. This will take weeks to clear up which delays the IPL laser hair removal even more. It is better to start low and move up gradually.
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