George Friedman has become a prominent figure in the world of strategic forecasting. He is considered to be one of the most influential thinkers and strategists related to international affairs, specifically geopolitical strategy. His acclaimed works have been read by countless individuals all over the world, helping them gain insights into global politics and history that can aid their decision-making processes. In this post, we will offer an introduction to George Friedman and his work, looking at why he is so highly regarded as a scholar in his field.

Friedman founded Stratfor, which quickly became a major player in the realm of geopolitical innovation. As founder and CEO of Strategic Forecasting Inc, he created methodologies for long-term projections based on data analysis and risk assessment rather than abstract theories or opinion polls — all tailored to individual clients’ queries -allowing companies from different industries (finance/investment banking firms among others as well as governments around the globe access reliable intelligence about potential threats or opportunities arising from changing dynamics in geopolitics worldwide.

In addition to Stratfor’s success with institutional customers globally, Friedman has made notable contributions to academics through books such “As the Next Hundred Years” or “The Coming War With Japan,” which delve into political science topics like war cycles along historical eras while establishing hypotheses regarding future patterns of conflict within our times that could determine international relations decades ahead.

Friedman’s professional background includes experience as a professor at the University of Austin, Texas, and as director of strategic forecasting at Stratfor, a private intelligence firm. His current work with Geopolitical Futures involves tracking and analyzing global trends across politics, economics, and cultural change to generate analysis on short-term predictions about world affairs. His weekly column for the website covers developments about topics such as Brexit negotiations or US-China trade tensions.

In addition to his columns, Friedman’s books have become well-recognized in the space of international relations.


George Friedman is one of the most prominent political figures of our time. A renowned geopolitical analyst and founder of Geopolitical Futures, he has been a major influence on American politics since the early 2000s when he first gained prominence as a foreign policy strategist. His views on international affairs have been widely discussed in both academia and public forums alike.

Friedman has long held the belief that America must remain a global superpower in order to maintain its status as an economic force in world markets. He believes that if America does not take steps to protect its interests abroad, it will be overtaken by other powers who are more willing to take risks and invest resources into advancing their own agendas. He has also argued strongly against interventionism, believing that while military action should be taken when necessary, it should not be used as a tool for nation-building or spreading democracy.